Please, first of all, do not take this article as one explanation of how is our everyday life. What I intend to do in this writing, is to give an approach that aims to go a little bit further than medias usually do.
We are living in a planet where the environment is in serious danger; severe weather in many countries has been forecasted for the coming up years, in the last report of UN issued in Brussels some months ago. As a conclusion of this report, the experts forecast that droughts will spread along the Mediterranean countries, Africa, southern Asia, South America and Oceania, whereas Northern and Central Europe and North America, will increase their annual harvests, due to the rise of rain and milder temperatures. Rain will fall, but mainly to cause floods and the impoverishment of the soil of lands. Warm waves will be more usual, longer and harder, and by the way, forget about going to ski or to the beach, snow will rarely appear under 4000 meters high and tides will rise up almost 2 metres. Beaches will go back at least 20 metres so the many parts of the cities by the seaside, will be under the water. Besides, as a direct consequence of all this, existing animal and tree species will also disappear.
So, first conclusion someone could easily obtain is; global climate change (GCC) discriminates poor countries and cheers up the already powerful economies of the world. The most affected regions in the world will be those inhabited by poor people, this is for sure. But, what really worries me about this entire problem is that the strategy of how to face all this has changed. Some years ago, when scientists started to raise the alarm to the governments and population, everyone agreed that what we needed to do is face the global climate change in order to stop it, or avoid it. Nowadays this approach has been left; scientists have given up warning governments due to powerful interests, most of them related to the use of oil as main source of energy.
So, what we do now is try to reduce the impact of the GCC in order to manage the consequences of it. However, there are still people who believe that we could avoid the global warming. Some months ago, I watched on the Catalan Regional TV a report where 5 scientists gave ideas to save the world from this warmer future.
One of them had the project of sending a millions of glass pieces in order to create a big umbrella between the sun and the earth, the glass will act as a mirror, reflecting the sunrays and not allowing them to arrive to the earth’s surface with such a strong intensity, so the temperature will reduce. Main problem is how to send million of glass pieces to the space, they are heavy, and easy to break, and besides, nobody could guarantee that the mirror-umbrella would follow the earth’s orbit forever.
Second project, wanted to throw sulphur to the atmosphere, the sulphur reduces the impact of sunrays into earth’s surface, so it is a natural way to reduce the sunshine. Actually, when in June 1991 the Pinatubo volcano erupted in the Philippines, the sulphur thrown to the atmosphere made the global temperature lower than average in 0.5 degrees. So in this case, compared to the first one, there is a similar experiment in nature; however, the danger here lies in the extremely potential poisonous effects of the sulphur in the atmosphere, if we just go too far in the amount of sulphur needed we could have acid rain for years.
There are still 3 other methods to reduce this impact, one is to throw iron molecules into the ocean to cause a reaction of the plankton. This reaction liberates Oxygen to the atmosphere and fixes the CO2, the guilty of all our headaches.
We become used to hear about the global warming, we know many of its consequences, we read them almost every time we hold a newspaper, we but quickly turn over to the cinema page or to the mortgage rate average for next months.
All of these possible solutions, I have been given, could be easily a script of a B-Movie watched on Sunday evening at home, where everybody knows in advance that the scientist will be successful and the world will be saved at the very last moment. The question now is that this is no longer a B-Movie and we do not know the end in advance, or do we?.
So, first conclusion someone could easily obtain is; global climate change (GCC) discriminates poor countries and cheers up the already powerful economies of the world. The most affected regions in the world will be those inhabited by poor people, this is for sure. But, what really worries me about this entire problem is that the strategy of how to face all this has changed. Some years ago, when scientists started to raise the alarm to the governments and population, everyone agreed that what we needed to do is face the global climate change in order to stop it, or avoid it. Nowadays this approach has been left; scientists have given up warning governments due to powerful interests, most of them related to the use of oil as main source of energy.
So, what we do now is try to reduce the impact of the GCC in order to manage the consequences of it. However, there are still people who believe that we could avoid the global warming. Some months ago, I watched on the Catalan Regional TV a report where 5 scientists gave ideas to save the world from this warmer future.
One of them had the project of sending a millions of glass pieces in order to create a big umbrella between the sun and the earth, the glass will act as a mirror, reflecting the sunrays and not allowing them to arrive to the earth’s surface with such a strong intensity, so the temperature will reduce. Main problem is how to send million of glass pieces to the space, they are heavy, and easy to break, and besides, nobody could guarantee that the mirror-umbrella would follow the earth’s orbit forever.
Second project, wanted to throw sulphur to the atmosphere, the sulphur reduces the impact of sunrays into earth’s surface, so it is a natural way to reduce the sunshine. Actually, when in June 1991 the Pinatubo volcano erupted in the Philippines, the sulphur thrown to the atmosphere made the global temperature lower than average in 0.5 degrees. So in this case, compared to the first one, there is a similar experiment in nature; however, the danger here lies in the extremely potential poisonous effects of the sulphur in the atmosphere, if we just go too far in the amount of sulphur needed we could have acid rain for years.
There are still 3 other methods to reduce this impact, one is to throw iron molecules into the ocean to cause a reaction of the plankton. This reaction liberates Oxygen to the atmosphere and fixes the CO2, the guilty of all our headaches.
We become used to hear about the global warming, we know many of its consequences, we read them almost every time we hold a newspaper, we but quickly turn over to the cinema page or to the mortgage rate average for next months.
All of these possible solutions, I have been given, could be easily a script of a B-Movie watched on Sunday evening at home, where everybody knows in advance that the scientist will be successful and the world will be saved at the very last moment. The question now is that this is no longer a B-Movie and we do not know the end in advance, or do we?.
Mai havia llegit cap de les possibles solucions al canvi climatic. Interessat però bastant utòpic
ResponEliminaWell, I think that the only possible solution is to stop polluting the world. The human being should learn to live in harmony with nature again instead of insisting in changing it at his own will. Any of the above solutions seems outrageous to me; you know how B-movies sometimes have a happy end, but often have apocalyptic ends as well... I'm afraid the solution can only be found in Mother Nature.